A remote control for functional materials

Intense mid-infrared excitation has been demonstrated as a powerful tool for controlling the magnetic, ferroelectric and superconducting properties of complex materials. Nonlinear phononics is key to this end, as it displaces ...

Natural three-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystal

Nonlinear photonic crystals (NPCs) are transparent materials that have a spatially uniform linear susceptibility, yet a periodically modulated quadratic nonlinear susceptibility. These engineered materials are used extensively ...

Novel crystals enhance mid-infrared laser performance

A research group led by Prof. Sun Dunlu from Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (HFIPS), Chinese Academy of Sciences, has successfully synthesized novel mid-infrared Ho,Pr:YAP and Er:YGGAG crystals using the Czchralski ...

An X-ray vision-like camera to rapidly retrieve 3D images

It's not exactly X-ray vision, but it's close. In research published in the journal Optica, University of California, Irvine researchers describe a new type of camera technology that, when aimed at an object, can rapidly ...

A novel method for enhancing optical properties of MXenes

Two-dimensional layered materials are a novel class of materials that exhibit strong and distinctive light-matter interactions, offering broad application prospects in optoelectronic devices and photonic elements. These materials ...

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