Under the sea, humans have changed ocean sounds

Not only are humans changing the surface and temperature of the planet, but also its sounds – and those shifts are detectable even in the open ocean, according to research published Thursday.

Traffic noise makes mating crickets less picky

A new study shows that the mating behaviour of crickets is significantly affected by traffic noise and other man-made sounds—a finding that could have implications for the future success of the species.

Climate models overestimate natural variability

By looking at satellite measurements of temperature changes in the lower layer of Earth's atmosphere, scientists found that climate models may have overestimated the decade-to-decade natural variability of temperature.

New compact model for gene regulation in higher organisms

Although the DNA and its double-helix are one of the most familiar molecules of our time, our knowledge of how cells control what genes they want to express is still rather limited. In order to create, for example, an enzyme, ...

Pump down the volume: Study finds noise-cancelling formula

Noisy, open-plan offices full of workers hunched over desks while wearing noise canceling headphones could soon be a thing of the past, thanks to new research from The Australian National University (ANU).

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