Researchers look toward nature to beat cancer

Every year, more than 18 million people around the world are told, "You have cancer." In the U.S., nearly half of all men and more than one-third of women will develop some kind of cancer during their lifetimes, and 600,000-plus ...

Innovative method leads to smaller, cheaper IoT sensors

Researchers from the Green IC research group at the National University of Singapore (NUS) have invented a low-cost, no-battery wake-up timer in the form of an on-chip circuit that significantly reduces power consumption ...

Timing neutrinos with White Rabbit

Being on time is important – just ask Lewis Carroll's leporine friend – and one group who knows this more than most are particle physicists, whose work revolves around keeping track of near-light speed blips of matter.

What sort of stream networks do scientific ideas flow along?

"Panta rhei, everything flows." If Heraclitus of Ephesus was correct, ideas, like rivers, should flow. Tracking the flow of ordinary ideas can be difficult. In the case of scientific ideas, it is much easier. The researchers ...

AR glasses help surgeons when operating on tumors

Malignant tumors often form metastases that spread to other parts of the body via the lymphatic system. High surgical skills are required to identify the precise location of the affected lymph nodes, enabling them to be completely ...

Nanoparticles from tattoos circulate inside the body, study finds

The elements that make up the ink in tattoos travel inside the body in micro and nanoparticle forms and reach the lymph nodes, according to a study published in Scientific Reports on 12 September by scientists from Germany ...

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