Related topics: nobel prize

Nobel scientist who warned of thinning ozone dies

(AP) -- F. Sherwood Rowland, the Nobel prize-winning chemist who sounded the alarm on the thinning of the Earth's ozone layer and crusaded against the use of man-made chemicals that were harming earth's atmospheric blanket, ...

Tiny Israel a giant in scientific research

Israel's contribution to the world of scientific research has won it a growing number of accolades, with the Jewish state turning out an impressive number of achievements relative to its size.

Nobel Medicine files stolen before 2010 award: jury

The evaluation documents on IVF pioneer Robert Edwards, who won the 2010 Nobel Medicine Prize, were stolen a few months before the award was announced, the Nobel committee said Wednesday.

Nobel winners and losers

( -- Author Erling Norrby discusses how the Nobel Prizes for the sciences, while often awarding breakthrough efforts, also can miss pivotal findings that made a difference.

Panel to announce 2020 Nobel Prize for physics

The 2020 Nobel Prize for physics is being announced Tuesday, an award that has in the past honored discoveries about the tiniest of particles and the vast mysteries of outer space.

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