How many greenhouse gases are released in Africa?

Researchers from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) are involved in the first large collection and analysis of data on greenhouse gases emissions in African crop systems.

Reducing agriculture's greenhouse gas emissions

The overwhelming scientific consensus is that gases produced by human activity are affecting the global climate. But even if you don't believe the current warming of the global climate is caused by humans, it's only common ...

Wetlands continue to reduce nitrates

Wetlands created 20 years ago between tile-drained agricultural fields and the Embarras River were recently revisited for a new two-year University of Illinois research project. Results show an overall 62 percent nitrate ...

Management of peatlands has large climate impacts

Drainage and management of pristine peatlands increase greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. A recent study, based on a new, wide data set collected from northern peatlands indicates that particularly those peatlands ...

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