Neptune's moon Triton fosters rare icy union

Astronomers using the Gemini Observatory explore Neptune's largest moon Triton and observe, for the first time beyond the lab, an extraordinary union between carbon monoxide and nitrogen ices. The discovery offers insights ...

Chemists discover unexpected enzyme structure

Many microbes have an enzyme that can convert carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide. This reaction is critical for building carbon compounds and generating energy, particularly for bacteria that live in oxygen-free environments.

US gains in air quality are slowing down

After decades of progress in cleaning up air quality, U.S. improvements for two key air pollutants have slowed significantly in recent years, new research concludes. The unexpected finding indicates that it may be more difficult ...

Painting a clear picture of how nitrogen oxides are formed

Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are some of the most significant pollutants in our atmosphere—they contribute to the formation of smog, acid rain and ground-level ozone. Because of this, combustion researchers and engine companies ...

The time window for the 1.5-degree target is closing

Earth's climate is out of balance: the planet has been warming since industrialization began, because CO2 increasingly collects in the atmosphere. Even an immediate stop of all emissions would not bring global warming to ...

Ruthenium rules for new fuel cells

Rice University scientists have fabricated a durable catalyst for high-performance fuel cells by attaching single ruthenium atoms to graphene.

Shedding light on Pluto's glaciers

What is the origin of the large heart-shaped nitrogen glacier revealed in 2015 on Pluto by the New Horizons spacecraft? Two researchers from the Laboratoire de météorologie dynamique (CNRS/École polytechnique/UPMC/ENS ...

Figuring out how we get the nitrogen we need

( —Nitrogen is an essential component of all living systems, playing important roles in everything from proteins and nucleic acids to vitamins. It is the most abundant element in Earth's atmosphere and is literally ...

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