Study: With Twitter, race of the messenger matters

When NFL player Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial injustice, the ensuing debate took traditional and social media by storm. University of Kansas researchers have ...

With Twitter, race of the messenger matters, study says

When NFL player Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial injustice, the ensuing debate took traditional and social media by storm. University of Kansas researchers have ...

The NFL joins the data revolution in sports

In some potentially game-changing news for the way we understand professional football, the National Football League began the 2016 preseason by placing tracking sensors in its footballs for the first time. The chips are ...

NFL to crunch Big Data in new tech deal

It won't just be bodies crunching on the NFL gridiron this season: teams and coaches will be getting data from every player with new technology unveiled on Friday.

Criminologist tackles perception of NFL players

A 24-hour news cycle, viral videos and tweets about football players' run-ins with the law can make it seem like criminal activity is an epidemic in the National Football League.

NFL players to get tracking chips in shoulder pads

Beginning with the NFL's regular season, players will be equipped with tracking technology in their shoulder pads measuring how fast, far and what routes they run - in real time.

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