Biochip advances enable next-generation sequencing technologies

Biochips are essentially tiny laboratories designed to function inside living organisms, and they are driving next-generation DNA sequencing technologies. This powerful combination is capable of solving unique and important ...

Improving accuracy in genomic mapping with time-series data

If you already have the sequenced map of an organism's genome but want to look for structural oddities in a sample, you can check the genomic barcode—a series of distances between known, targeted sites—by cutting a DNA ...

New bioinformatics tool to visualize transcriptomes

ZENBU, a new, freely available bioinformatics tool developed at the RIKEN Center for Life Science Technology in Japan, enables researchers to quickly and easily integrate, visualize and compare large amounts of genomic information ...

Reading genetic information of ancient Teotihuacans

Teotihuacan was one of the largest metropolitan centers in ancient Mesoamerica in the pre-Columbian era. Six ancient individuals unearthed from the Teotihuacan between the third and seventh centuries AD were examined in a ...

New algorithm for quicker detection of antibiotic resistances

A team of researchers led by microbiologist Professor Dr. Axel Hamprecht of the University Medicine Oldenburg has developed a new method that enables quicker detection of a frequently overlooked antibiotic resistance. The ...

Researchers investigate garlic's hidden powers

Garlic has traditionally been used to ward off evil spirits, but its reputed powers do not stop it from being infected by multiple viruses.

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