Web's inventor discusses digital monopolies, privacy threats

Tim Berners-Lee gave away the technology that he used to invent the World Wide Web, so it's not surprising that he's worried about the current state of the internet as Google, Facebook and Amazon become increasingly dominant ...

Top Brazilian paper to stop publishing on Facebook

One of Brazil's top newspapers, the Folha de S. Paulo, announced Thursday it would stop publishing on its Facebook page after the social network announced it would give personal content more visibility.

How Facebook has become the world's largest echo chamber

I began my research career in the last century with an analysis of how news organisations were adapting to this strange new thing called "the Internet". Five years later I signed up for Twitter and, a year after that, for ...

Facebook to deliver more local news to US users

Facebook said Monday it has decided to deliver more local news to US users, in its latest effort to manage the flow of information on the enormously-influential social network.

Facebook to let users rank 'trust' in news sources

Facebook announced Friday it will ask its two billion users to rank their trust in news sources, in its latest attempt to combat the spread of misinformation on the social network.

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