When debris disaster strikes

In 2021 so far, some 2467 new objects large enough to be tracked have been added to world catalogs of orbital objects, out of which 1493 are new satellites and the rest are debris. While new objects are added, others are ...

COVID-19-related xenophobia

A lot of entirely unwarranted anti-Asian sentiment in the U.S. and elsewhere has emerged on social media since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, which had its original source in Wuhan, China, but is a global problem ...

New NASA data sheds light on climate models

Have you ever worn a dark T-shirt on a sunny day and felt the fabric warm in the sun's rays? Most of us know dark colors absorb sunlight and light colors reflect it—but did you know this doesn't work the same way in the ...

Tackling food allergies at the source

Food allergies are a big problem. About 7% of children and 2% of adults in the U.S. suffer from some kind of food allergy. These allergies cost a whopping $25 billion in health care each year. Then there's the time lost at ...

ATLAS Experiment releases new search for long-lived particles

Despite its decades of predictive success, there are important phenomena left unexplained by the Standard Model of particle physics. Additional theories must exist that can fully describe the universe, even though definitive ...

Demographics data helps predict NY flood insurance claims

In flood-prone areas of the Hudson River valley in New York state, census areas with more white and affluent home owners tend to file a higher percentage of flood insurance claims than lower-income, minority residents, raising ...

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