Billionaires buying up media: Savior complex or civic duty?

The Washington Post. Time Magazine. The Atlantic. The Village Voice. The Los Angeles Times. All American media icons, all bought by billionaires in the past half decade. Some are thriving. One died. On the rest, the jury's ...

Discovering the secrets of business success in modern rural areas

A new European initiative is working to identify the vital ingredients for developing rural entrepreneurship and successful business models in high potential sectors such as food and agriculture, bio-based value chains and ...

Robolution—it's about human skills, not just technology

The presence of robots in industry and beyond – factories are far from the only place where machines play a key role – is anything but new. In a July 2017 article written for the World Economic Forum, Jeff Morgan of Trinity ...

Uber takes break in Finland ahead of new legislation

Ride-hailing service Uber is taking a yearlong break in Finland because legislation that's expected to open the transportation market for new businesses does not come into force until July 2018.

UK Uber drivers win case to get paid vacation, minimum wage

Uber's claim that its drivers are contractors—and not employees entitled to vacations—was rejected Friday by a British tribunal, in a ruling that may have implications for a range of companies that rely on self-employed ...

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