Related topics: bacteria · antibiotics

2 Americans, 1 Israeli win Nobel chemistry prize

(AP) -- Two Americans and an Israeli scientist won the 2009 Nobel Prize in chemistry on Wednesday for atom-by-atom mapping of the protein-making factories within cells - a feat that has spurred the development of antibiotics.

New research identifies prime source of ocean methane

Up to 4 percent of the methane on Earth comes from the ocean's oxygen-rich waters, but scientists have been unable to identify the source of this potent greenhouse gas. Now researchers report that they have found the culprit: ...

Researchers on fast track to combat antibiotic resistance

The marriage of two innovative technologies—one developed by Northeastern's Slava Epstein, the other by the Broad Institute's Paul Blainey—could accelerate both the discovery of new antibiotics that kill pathogens without ...

A new weapon in the war against superbugs

In the arms race between bacteria and modern medicine, bacteria have gained an edge. In recent decades, bacterial resistance to antibiotics has developed faster than the production of new antibiotics, making bacterial infections ...

New compound defeats drug-resistant bacteria

It's no wonder that medicine's effort to combat bacterial infections is often described as an arms race. When new drugs are developed to combat infections, the bacterial target invariably comes up with a deterrent.

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