Tracking down nano-size current loops using polarized neutrons

Determining the origin of high-temperature superconductivity is probably the single most important challenge faced today by solid-state physicists. This despite 30 years of extensive research efforts. High temperature superconductors ...

How magnetic dimers interact to create long-range order

Researchers carrying out experiments at the U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Photon Source (APS) and Spallation Neutron Source have shed new light on how magnetic long-range order forms and remains stable despite the ...

Neutrons point the way to optimised crash-tolerant automotives

Press-hardened boron steel is an ultra high-strength steel used across a variety of industries, with a particularly important application in the automotive industry. A large proportion of car manufacturers use boron steel ...

Scientists unveil the structure of myelin

New research has shed light on the way in which our nerves conduct electrical signals around our bodies. The structure of myelin, the layer of insulating fat surrounding nerve cells of vertebrates, has now been analysed in ...

Glasses begin to reveal their high pressure secrets

The structural changes in glasses and liquids induced by high-pressure conditions can substantially alter their dynamical and transport properties. Unravelling the mechanisms behind these transformations is, however, a formidable ...

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