How the Earth stops high-energy neutrinos in their tracks

Neutrinos are abundant subatomic particles that are famous for passing through anything and everything, only very rarely interacting with matter. About 100 trillion neutrinos pass through your body every second. Now, scientists ...

As hunt for sterile neutrino continues, mystery deepens

Physicists have hypothesized the existence of fundamental particles called sterile neutrinos for decades and a couple of experiments have even caught possible hints of them. However, according to new results from two major ...

Weird quantum effects stretch across hundreds of miles

In the world of quantum, infinitesimally small particles, weird and often logic-defying behaviors abound. Perhaps the strangest of these is the idea of superposition, in which objects can exist simultaneously in two or more ...

New clues in the hunt for the sources of cosmic neutrinos

The sources of the high-energy cosmic neutrinos that are detected by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory buried in the Antarctic ice may be hidden from observations of high-energy gamma rays, new research reveals. These high-energy ...

Team records neutrinos from the Earth's mantle

(—A team of researchers working on the Borexino Collaboration at Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Italy is reporting that they have detected neutrinos emanating from the Earth's mantle. In their paper published ...

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