KATRIN experiment investigates neutrino mass

Neutrinos are everywhere, and yet their presence is rarely felt. Scientists have assumed for decades that, because they interact so little with matter, neutrinos must lack any measurable mass. But recent experiments have ...

New wings give ICARUS flight for second neutrino hunt

It's a big shining box, 4 metres high, 20 metres long: this magnificent detector arrived at CERN 16 months ago and since then it is undergoing a complete refurbishing. ICARUS, a 760-ton detector filled with liquid argon (LAr) ...

Scientists seek new physics using ORNL's intense neutrino source

Soon to be deployed at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory is an experiment to explore new physics associated with neutrinos. The Precision Oscillation and Spectrum Experiment, or PROSPECT, is led by ...

Probing the transforming world of neutrinos

Every second, trillions of neutrinos travel through your body unnoticed. Neutrinos are among the most abundant particles in the universe, but they are difficult to study because they very rarely interact with matter. To find ...

Particle physicists discuss JUNO neutrino experiment

The construction of the facilities for the JUNO neutrino experiment has been initiated with an official groundbreaking ceremony near the south Chinese city of Jiangmen. Involved in the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory ...

OPERA observes the second tau neutrino

(Phys.org) -- The OPERA collaboration has announced yesterday at the Neutrino 2012 conference in Japan, the observation of their second neutrino tau interaction, after the first observation made in 2010.

FTL neutrinos (or not)

The recent news from the Oscillation Project with Emulsion-tRacking Apparatus (OPERA) neutrino experiment, that neutrinos have been clocked travelling faster than light, made the headlines over the last week – and rightly ...

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