5G presents security challenge for telecom operators

While Washington's concerns that future 5G wireless networks could be vulnerable to spying by China have dominated headlines, businesses have long been pushing to make sure the technology is as secure as possible.

Experts: US anti-Huawei campaign likely exaggerated

Since last year, the U.S. has waged a vigorous diplomatic offensive against the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei, claiming that any nation deploying its gear in next-generation wireless networks is giving Beijing a ...

Facebook taps user data to defend workers from threat

Facebook gathers intelligence from its platform to identify people who threaten the firm or its workers, the social network said Thursday in response to media reports of the security tactic.

Two top executives leave Facebook PR team (Update)

Two of Facebook's top executives in its public relations team are leaving the company, stepping away after the most tumultuous period in the history of the social networking giant.

France to seek tougher oversight of 5G network gear

France will require telecommunications companies to allow more government oversight and control of the equipment required for next-generation 5G wireless networks due to security concerns, a government official said Tuesday.

Technology near for real-time TV political fact checks

A Duke University team expects to have a product available for election year that will allow television networks to offer real-time fact checks onscreen when a politician makes a questionable claim during a speech or debate.

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