Good boss? Bad boss? Study says workers leave both

When fast-rising employees quit their jobs for better pay or more responsibility at another organization, the knee-jerk reaction may be to blame their leaving on a bad boss. Although the common perception is that workers ...

Tracking freight flows

A new freight database developed with assistance from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory will help transportation officials improve highways, railroads and other trade routes across the country. With ...

Obama threatens veto of cybersecurity bill

President Barack Obama threatened on Tuesday to veto a major cybersecurity bill unless Congress amends it to include more protections for privacy and civil liberties.

China's Huawei signs deal to develop 5G in Russia

China's Huawei, considered a security threat in the US, on Wednesday signed a deal with Russian telecoms company MTS to develop a 5G network in the country over the next year,

Crew rotation and passenger connections spread flight delays

A study led by researchers of the Spanish National Research Council and the University of the Balearic Islands asserts that crew rotation and passengers connections systematically spread flight delays due to a domino effect. ...

Small businesses grapple with handling online image

Restaurants, mom-and-pop shops and other small businesses often face an abundance of frustrating complications during start-up - construction delays and supply shortages being among the top obstacles.

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