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Netbooks now being sold like cell phones

If you walked into the right RadioShack store last weekend, you could get an Acer Aspire "netbook" computer for free. The catch: You would have to sign a two-year contract for mobile Internet service from AT&T, at $60 a month ...

Sony belatedly to join 'netbook' market in August

(AP) -- Sony Corp. said Tuesday it will launch a tiny new laptop starting in August, the company's belated entry into the growing but cutthroat "netbook" PC market.

Dell Planning Pocket Web Gadget

( -- Dell engineers are in the process of developing a pocket handheld device for browsing the internet. Dell plans on using the Google Inc.'s Android software and may also use chips based on designed licensed ...

Review: New Intel chips power skinny laptops

(AP) -- Tiny, cheap laptops known as netbooks have been a big success. But not everyone likes their small screens and keyboards, and their processors aren't powerful enough for some common tasks, like playing high-quality ...

Taiwan's Asustek, Acer unveil new laptop PCs

The world's two leading makers of mini laptops Tuesday introduced their latest computers at the opening of Asia's leading information technology trade fair.

Acer eyes Japan growth with new cheap laptop

(AP) -- Acer Inc. of Taiwan said Friday it plans solid growth in the previously hard-to-crack Japanese market with a new slim, lightweight laptop that boasts an eight-hour battery life and a cheap price.

Chip sales down 30 pct in March: SIA

Global semiconductor sales fell nearly 30 percent in March compared with a year ago but improved slightly over the previous month, the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) said Friday.

How much netbook can you get for $400?

The hottest segment of the computer market right now is not fancy new Apple laptops or PC gaming machines. It's tiny laptops with older operating systems, cramped keyboards and designs that look like they might have come ...

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