Lawmakers seek to restore internet privacy after repealing it

House and Senate lawmakers are hoping to push legislation to replace recently repealed Obama-era internet privacy regulations, a move by the Federal Communications Commission that has led to a tide of consumer complaints.

Comcast, FCC take net neutrality dispute to court

(AP) -- The Federal Communications Commission staked out new ground nearly three months ago when it began drafting rules that would require Internet providers to give equal treatment to all data flowing over their networks.

Questions and answers on 'net neutrality'

US regulators are set to vote Thursday on a plan overhauling rules for internet services providers. The action by the Federal Communications Commission is likely to end so-called "net neutrality." Here are some questions ...

Facebook opens up after neutrality flap

Facebook said Monday it was opening up, which provides connectivity to people in developing nations, to outside applications following a controversy over its limited set of online services.

Q&A: Net neutrality rules go into effect

New rules that treat the Internet like a public utility and prevent companies from blocking or slowing down some online traffic took effect Friday.

What's in a billion? Facebook users hit milestone in 1 day

A billion people logged in to Facebook on a single day this week, marking the first time that many members used the world's largest online social network in a 24-hour period. The number amounts to one-seventh of the Earth's ...

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