Daddy daycare: Why some songbirds care for the wrong kids

Interspecific feeding—when an adult of one species feeds the young of another—is rare among songbirds, and scientists could only speculate on why it occurs, but now, Penn State researchers have new insight into this behavior.

These bats deter predators by buzzing like hornets

In Batesian mimicry, a harmless species imitates a more dangerous one in an evolutionary "ruse" that affords the mimic protection from would-be predators. Now, researchers reporting in Current Biology on May 9, 2022, have ...

Warmer springs mean more offspring for prothonotary warblers

Climate change contributes to gradually warming Aprils in southern Illinois, and at least one migratory bird species, the prothonotary warbler, is taking advantage of the heat. A new study analyzing 20 years of data found ...

Chainsaw-carved trees make perfect homes for marsupial phascogale

As a result of logging and severe bushfires, Australian wildlife is facing a severe shortage of tree hollows—holes in the trunks and branches of large old trees. More than 300 species of birds and mammals, including possums, ...

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