How landscapes of fear affect the songbirds in our backyards

A team of researchers headquartered at the University of Massachusetts Amherst has recently discovered that fear plays an important, unrecognized role in the underdevelopment, and increased vulnerability, of backyard songbirds.

Habitat quality drives birds' reproductive success

Five songbird species in California's oak woodlands each seek out a different habitat to maximize their reproductive success, according to new research in The Auk: Ornithological Advances.

Kangaroo Island ants 'play dead' to avoid predators

They're well known for their industrious work, but now a species of ant on Kangaroo Island is also showing that it is skilled at "playing dead," a behavior that University of South Australia researchers believe is a recorded ...

Hi-tech nest boxes to help greater gliders

The humble wildlife nest box has been given a hi-tech overhaul to help greater gliders severely impacted by Australia's bushfire disaster recover.

Nature conservation as a bridge to peace in the Middle East

Loss of biodiversity is a major challenge in today's world as is the quest for peace in regions engaged in conflict. But scientists writing in a Review published March 22 in Trends in Ecology & Evolution say that efforts ...

Early arrival gives bluebirds an edge in keeping nest sites

Finders, keepers: Mountain Bluebirds are more likely to defend nest cavities against competition from other birds such as swallows if they get there first, but climate change may disrupt the migratory timing that lets them ...

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