57 different pesticides found in poisoned honeybees

European honeybees are being poisoned with up to 57 different pesticides, according to new research published in the Journal of Chromatography A. A new method for detecting a whole range of pesticides in bees could help unravel ...

France's ban on bee-killing pesticides begins Saturday

A ban on five neonicotinoid pesticides enters into force in France on Saturday, placing the country at the forefront of a campaign against chemicals blamed for decimating critical populations of crop-pollinating bees.

Million people urge Bayer to stop bee-killer pesticides

German agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals giant Bayer was presented Friday with a petition of more than one million signatures urging it to stop manufacturing pesticides that are blamed for the decline in the world's bee populations.

Syngenta chief calls for debate on 'sustainable agriculture'

Swiss agrochemicals giant Syngenta, recently taken over by ChemChina, said there should be a wide-scale debate on what constitutes "sustainable agriculture" in face of a number of current controversies over pesticides.

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