Why so few poor, white working class boys go on to take A levels

White working class boys from poor neighbourhoods face a 'double disadvantage' of low family income and place poverty linked to their wider community. This significantly reduces their likelihood of academic study after GCSE, ...

Pets help owners meet people and make friends

Pets play an important role in developing healthy neighbourhoods by helping their owners to meet people, make friends and even gain emotional and practical support from these friendships, according to researchers at The University ...

Walkable neighbourhoods ease stranger danger fears

Creating pedestrian-friendly neighbourhoods with trees, footpaths, parks, shops and cafes could be the key to allaying parents' age-old fears about stranger danger, according to a Perth study.

Explaining the games gasoline retailers play

(Phys.org) —When it's time to top up the tank, how much thought do you give to where you will buy gas? Maybe you drive around town, looking for the best deal. Chances are, you usually visit the same station in your neighbourhood, ...

Urban planners urged not to ignore city pedestrians

When most people think about urban transportation systems, they focus on infrastructure, including streets, subways and even sidewalks. University of Toronto researcher Paul Hess takes a much broader perspective.

Can technology promote neighbourliness?

Four European cities are currently testing whether digital technology can be used to encourage physical interaction and promote safety among local communities. Games technology is being used to get people interested.

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