AI may be able to predict droughts a year in advance

Skoltech researchers and their colleagues from Sber have proposed deep learning models that predict droughts using climate data. Long-term forecasts of this kind are sought by agricultural producers planning their operations, ...

The evolving single-cell and spatial technology landscape

The scTrends consortium has published its first report shedding light on the current state of the commercial single-cell and spatial genomics industry and its potential impact on drug discovery and patient care.

Local dragonflies expose mercury pollution patterns

A new study has unveiled surprising findings about mercury pollution: where it comes from and how it moves through the environment vary significantly depending on the ecosystem. In drier regions, most mercury is deposited ...

Zooplankton study challenges traditional views of evolution

In new research, Arizona State University scientists and their colleagues investigated genetic changes occurring in a naturally isolated population of the water flea, Daphnia pulex. This tiny crustacean, barely visible to ...

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