Cash programs that help the poor can harm natural resources

Poverty programs throughout the world that give poor families cash for food, education and health needs can have unintended consequences for communities that depend on natural resources, such as fish and trees. That is because ...

Using big data to help manage global natural assets

Research led by the University of Southampton is helping to tackle one of the biggest sustainability challenges—looking after and nurturing the natural resources in the world around us.

Researchers come face to face with huge great white shark

Two shark researchers who came face to face with what could be one of the largest great whites ever recorded are using their encounter as an opportunity to push for legislation that would protect sharks in Hawaii.

Colombia tropical forest fires spike after 2016 Peace Accords

Fires that contribute to deforestation spiked six-fold in Colombia in the year after an historic 2016 peace agreement ended decades of conflict between FARC guerrilla and government forces, according to a study in Nature ...

Development threatens tropical forests, researchers say

Tropical forests in the Amazon, Indonesia, and Mesoamerica face multiple threats from mining, oil, and gas extraction and massive infrastructure projects over the next two decades, according to a study by Clark University ...

Friendlier fish may be quicker to take the bait

The bluegill on your dinner plate might have been more social than the rest of its group, according to a new study from the University of Illinois, and its removal from the lake could mean major changes for the remaining ...

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