Enlisting symmetry to protect quantum states from disruptions

Symmetry permeates nature, from the radial symmetry of flowers to the left-right symmetry of the human body. As such, it provides a natural way of classifying objects by grouping those that share the same symmetry. This is ...

Transparent artificial nacre: A brick wall at the nanoscale

Natural materials have extraordinary mechanical properties, which are based on sophisticated arrangements and combinations of multiple building blocks. One key aspect of today's materials research therefore is to develop ...

Tricking the uncertainty principle

(Phys.org) —Caltech researchers have found a way to make measurements that go beyond the limits imposed by quantum physics.

Searching for ways to control an agricultural nuisance

Even the name sounds threatening. Known as "dog-strangling vines" in Canada, European swallowworts are invasive vines that can grow to 8 feet in length and wrap around supporting vegetation and smother it. There are two species, ...

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