Are coal-fired power plants affecting your drinking water?

When you get a drink of water from your fridge or sink, do you think about where that water came from? It has traveled through pipes from a water treatment plant where it underwent chemical processes to make it safe to drink. ...

Breaking metamaterial symmetry with reflected light

Optical activity—rotation of the polarization of light—is well known to occur within materials that differ from their mirror image. But what happens if this symmetry is broken by the direction of illumination rather than ...

How to bring 'ghost ponds' back from the dead

Digging new ponds and resurrecting old "ghost ponds" can be done by landowners to revitalize biodiversity in natural and farmland landscapes, say UCL researchers in a new how-to guide for turning degraded ponds into thriving ...

Biomimetic micro/nanoscale fiber reinforced composites

Over hundreds of millions of years of evolution, nature has produced a myriad of biological materials that serve either as skeletons or as defensive or offensive weapons. Although these natural structural materials are derived ...

Market values are destroying nature: UN report

A major UN report warned Monday that a global economy focused on short-term profit is wrecking the planet and called for a drastically different approach as to how we value nature.

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