Related topics: species · conservationists

Five ways to help stop biodiversity loss

Biodiversity refers to the variety of life found on Earth and underpins the natural systems which grow our food, cleanse our air and water and regulate our climate. Human life cannot exist without it. But around one million ...

Orangutan communication sheds light on human speech origins

New research from The University of Warwick has revealed that orangutans, the most arboreal of the great apes, produce consonant-like calls more often and of greater variety than their African ground-dwelling cousins (gorillas, ...

Why humans get infected with rodent-borne diseases

The COVID-19 pandemic has stressed the need to better understand the transmission routes of animal-spread diseases. A study published in Nature Communications demonstrates how the risk of pathogen transmission from rodents ...

Quality, not just quantity, matters in '30 by 30' goal

A global deal to protect nature and the benefits it provides to people will be negotiated during the United Nations COP15 biodiversity conference that begins today (Dec 7) in Montreal, with a key target of the new biodiversity ...

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