New technique to chart protein networks in living cells

A new approach for studying the behaviour of proteins in living cells has been developed by an interdisciplinary team of biologists and physicists in the Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit, the Ellenberg Laboratory and the ...

Behind a marine creature's bright green fluorescent glow

Pushing closer to understanding the mechanisms behind the mysterious glow of light produced naturally by certain animals, scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego have deciphered the structural components ...

Save money and energy by replacing, adjusting home appliances

Want to save some money and help the planet at the same time? Then take a look at some of the gadgets and appliances in your house. By turning off, adjusting or swapping out some of the devices in your house, you can potentially ...

Researchers unveil rich world of fish biofluorescence

A team of researchers led by scientists from the American Museum of Natural History has released the first report of widespread biofluorescence in the tree of life of fishes, identifying more than 180 species that glow in ...

Fluorescent light revealed as gauge of coral health

( —Coral reefs not only provide the world with rich, productive ecosystems and photogenic undersea settings, they also contribute an economic boost valued at hundreds of billions of dollars. But their decline in ...

A new glow for electron microscopy

The glowing green molecule known as green fluorescent protein (GFP) has revolutionized molecular biology. When GFP is attached to a particular protein inside a cell, scientists can easily identify and locate it using fluorescence ...

Microscope looks into cells of living fish

Microscopes provide valuable insights in the structure and dynamics of cells, in particular when the latter remain in their natural environment. However, this is very difficult especially for higher organisms. Researchers ...

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