Spaceborne precipitation radar ships from Japan to U.S.

( -- Japanese scientists and engineers have completed construction on a new instrument designed to take 3-D measurements of the shapes, sizes and other physical characteristics of both raindrops and snowflakes. ...

Modeling microbes to manage carbon dioxide

( -- In the past decade, microbiologists began realizing that communities of microbes process energy and materials, which affects their environments. To understand how microbial communities function in a natural ...

Restored wetlands rarely equal condition of original wetlands

Wetland restoration is a billion-dollar-a-year industry in the United States that aims to create ecosystems similar to those that disappeared over the past century. But a new analysis of restoration projects shows that restored ...

Study: Rare deep-sea starfish stuck in juvenile body plan

A team of scientists has combined embryological observations, genetic sequencing, and supercomputing to determine that a group of small disk-shaped animals that were once thought to represent a new class of animals are actually ...

Geologist discovers pattern in Earth's long-term climate record

In an analysis of the past 1.2 million years, UC Santa Barbara geologist Lorraine Lisiecki discovered a pattern that connects the regular changes of the Earth's orbital cycle to changes in the Earth's climate. The finding ...

Temperature Trackers Watch Our Watery World

( -- Climatologists have long known that human-produced greenhouse gases have been the dominant drivers of Earth's observed warming since the start of the Industrial Revolution. But other factors also affect our ...

If a Tree Falls in the Forest...

( -- In a century of increasing forest fires, hurricanes and plagues, Dr. Ben Bond-Lamberty, a terrestrial ecologist for the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, suggests taking a fresh look at modeling carbon's ...

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