What can we learn about cybersecurity from the Russian hacks?

Intelligence reports about Russian-sponsored hacking to influence the 2016 presidential election have dominated headlines. Northeastern professors Alina Oprea and Cristina Nita-Rotaru, both cybersecurity experts, explain ...

Is part of Chelsea Manning's legacy increased surveillance?

The military's most prolific leaker of digital documents has ushered in an age of even more increased surveillance over government workers. The legacy of Chelsea Manning's actions is under discussion in the wake of the announcement ...

Inquiry says Snowden in contact with Russia's spy services

Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden has remained in contact with Russian intelligence services since he arrived in Moscow three years ago, according to a declassified report on a congressional investigation ...

Hackers hit Thai sites to protest restrictive internet law

Hackers saying they are protesting the passage of a bill restricting internet freedom have been attacking Thai government computer servers, temporarily disabling public access and reportedly copying restricted documents.

Yahoo's mega breach shows how just how vulnerable data is

The revelation of Yahoo's latest hack underscores what many Americans have known for years: All those emails, photos and other personal files stored online can easily be stolen, and there's little anyone can do about it.

Greater readiness repels cyber threats to manufacturers

Together with the National Emergency Supply Agency and the private sector, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed tailored solutions bringing improved cyber security and disruption-free operations to manufacturers. ...

UK lawmakers approve 'most sweeping' surveillance powers

The British parliament this week gave the green light to new bulk surveillance powers for police and intelligence services that critics have denounced as the most far-reaching of any western democracy.

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