New species of Allosaurus discovered in Utah

A remarkable new species of meat-eating dinosaur has been unveiled at the Natural History Museum of Utah. Paleontologists unearthed the first specimen in early 1990s in Dinosaur National Monument in northeastern Utah. The ...

Exploring Oceanographer Canyon by mini-sub

Along the walls of Oceanographer Canyon, fish dart in and out of colorful anemone gardens and sea creatures send up plumes of sand and mud as they burrow. Bill Ryan, an oceanographer at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty ...

The jellyfish that's turning heads

Maybe you've seen this video clip making the rounds on the news and social media recently? If you haven't, be sure to take a few moments to view this deepsea wonder in motion.

Papahanaumokuakea National Monument facing Hurricane Neki

A hurricane warning is in force for the Papahanaumokuakea National Monument from Nihoa Island to French Frigate Shoals to Maro Reef. Hurricane conditions likely there by 5 a.m. HST on Friday, October 23.

Biden, in environment push, protects lands near Grand Canyon

Joe Biden used the backdrop of the Grand Canyon Tuesday to champion the climate fight—and distinguish himself from the Republican right—by designating large swathes of surrounding sacred land with protective status.

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