NIST to frame the Magna Carta

Fabrication specialists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are joining forces with conservators at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to protect and display a document that influenced ...

Clinton papers on Lewinsky, others released (Update)

The White House strategy to defend President Bill Clinton against the political fallout of his affair with intern Monica Lewinsky is detailed in documents the National Archives released Friday, part of a batch of records ...

172 year old Saiwan boundary marker stone found

Teachers and students of Department of Real Estate and Construction of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) discovered a long forgotten boundary marker stone from the very earliest days of the British presence in Hong Kong. ...

Documents show how White House defended Clinton

The White House made a public push to defend President Bill Clinton during a series of investigations related to his affair with intern Monica Lewinsky and other matters, according to thousands of pages of documents released ...

Government Web sites kept alive at Cyber Cemetery

(AP) -- It was a historian's nightmare. During the change from the Clinton to the Bush administration, Web sites affiliated with the Clinton White House went dark, and an unknown number of online documents and files were ...

National Geographic to auction famous photos, art

National Geographic Society has chronicled scientific expeditions, wildlife and world cultures for more than 100 years, amassing 11.5 million photographs and original illustrations.

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