Scientists take aim at Four Corners methane mystery

Researchers from several institutions are in the Four Corners region of the U.S. Southwest with a suite of airborne and ground-based instruments, aiming to uncover reasons for a mysterious methane "hot spot" detected from ...

Experts question Nicaragua meteorite reports

Outside experts raised doubts on Monday about whether a loud boom and a gaping crater found in Nicaragua this weekend were caused by a meteorite, as the government has said.

Study finds climate link to atmospheric-river storms

( —A new NASA-led study of atmospheric-river storms from the Pacific Ocean may help scientists better predict major winter snowfalls that hit West Coast mountains and lead to heavy spring runoff and sometimes flooding.

Curiosity rover nearing first anniversary on Mars

( —NASA's Curiosity rover will mark one year on Mars next week and has already achieved its main science goal of revealing ancient Mars could have supported life. The mobile laboratory also is guiding designs for ...

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Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administrati

The Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is the highest-ranked official of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the space agency of the United States. The administrator serves as the senior space science adviser to the President of the United States. According to NASA, the role of the administrator is to "lead the NASA team and manage its resources to advance the Vision for Space Exploration."

On May 24, 2009, President Barack Obama announced the nomination of Charles Bolden as NASA Administrator, and Lori Garver as Deputy NASA Administrator . Bolden and Garver would become NASA Administrator and Deputy Administrator respectively upon successful confirmation by the United States Senate. Bolden was confirmed by the Senate on July 15, 2009.

The first NASA Administrator was Dr. T. Keith Glennan; during his term he brought together the disparate projects in space development research in the US. Daniel Goldin held the post for the longest term (just over 9 1/2 years), and is best known for pioneering the "faster, better, cheaper" approach to space programs. The only person to hold the post twice is James C. Fletcher, who returned to NASA following the Challenger disaster.

The most recent Deputy Administrator of NASA was Shana Dale, who started her term on November 4, 2005 and is the 11th person to hold the post. According to NASA, "Dale serves as the agency’s second in command and is responsible to the administrator for providing overall leadership, planning, and policy direction for the agency. Dale represents NASA to the Executive Office of the President, Congress, heads of federal and other appropriate government agencies, international organizations, and external organizations and communities. Dale also oversees the day to day work of NASA’s functional offices, such as the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Office of General Counsel and Strategic Communications." She resigned her post effective January 17, 2009.

The longest running (acting) Deputy Administrator was John R. Dailey, who held the post following his retirement from the United States Marine Corps. The longest running full Deputy Administrator was Hugh Latimer Dryden, who was the first Deputy Administrator. William R. Graham has held the post of Deputy Administrator twice, and was the Acting Administrator in between, as did Frederick D. Gregory. Dr. Daniel Mulville served as the acting Deputy Administrator twice, and was Acting Administrator in between.

The administrators main form of transport is NASA one.

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