Overdoing it: Multiple perspectives confuse consumers

Television commercials for luxury vehicles pack a lot in their 30-second running times: the camera offers quick shots of the soft leather upholstery, the shiny colors, the state-of-the-art entertainment system, and the four-wheel ...

What Paris shows us about the history of photography

Imagine a photo of Paris you've seen before, whether it's the Eiffel Tower or an urchin carrying a baguette. Have you ever considered the story behind that picture—why it was taken, and why it's in circulation today?

Cybersecurity report imagines threat scenarios

The Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity at UC Berkeley's School of Information lays out five cybersecurity threat scenarios in a new report, Cybersecurity Futures 2020. The report is available online.

Study Examines Competing Interests in Maine Forests' Future

(PhysOrg.com) -- In more than a decade of public debate about the future of Maine’s forestlands, sustainability has been a linchpin, with stakeholders arguing that it be either reinvented or restored, depending on their ...

Review: Narrative Clip logs your life in photos

Ever had one of those "Gosh, I wish I had a camera" moments when something novel happens in your life? The Narrative Clip is a small, wearable camera that makes an attempt to capture some of those fleeting moments automatically.

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