Providing a clearer picture of nanotechnology's full potential

A new tool capable of carrying out simultaneous nano-sized measurements could soon lead to more innovative nanotech-based products and help boost the EU economy. Indeed the tool, developed by scientists cooperating through ...

Work on pioneering pan-European neutron facility underway

A state-of-the-art facility capable of generating neutron beams 30 times brighter than current facilities is about to be constructed in the Swedish town of Lund. The EUR 1.8 billion will help scientists examine and test new ...

Study: New nanomanufacturing processes needed

If the promise of nanotechnology is to be fulfilled, then research programs must leapfrog to new nanomanufacturing processes. That's the conclusion of a review of the current state of nanoscience and nanotechnology to be ...

University of Houston launches first nanotech company

Out of the test-tube, onto your jeans? How about your patio deck? A researcher from the University of Houston has turned his nanotechnology research into reality, launching a nanotech manufacturing company in the University's ...

Cuba launches first nanopharmaceutical

Cuba has unveiled its first manufactured nanopharmaceutical drug—a tweaked variety of cyclosporine, used to help prevent transplant rejection—official media reported Saturday.

Ethical evaluations of nanotechnology

Recent action in Congress to reauthorize the U.S. federal nanotechnology research program offers the chance to address the social and ethical issues concerning the emerging scientific field, experts say.

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