Cost-saving computer chips get smaller than ever

Not so long ago, a computer filled a whole room and radio receivers were as big as washing machines. In recent decades, electronic devices have shrunk considerably in size and this trend is expected to continue, leading to ...

New nanomaterial increases yield of solar cells

Researchers from the FOM Foundation, Delft University of Technology, Toyota Motor Europe and the University of California have developed a nanostructure with which they can make solar cells highly efficient. The researchers ...

Designing and building nanocomponents to spec

Hybrid, multifunctional nanostructures with diverse 3D shapes and complex material composition can now be manufactured with a precise and efficient fabrication technique.

Raman pixel by pixel

New data processing protocol enables feature-based recognition of Surface-enhanced Raman spectra for intracellular molecule probing of biological targets. It relies on locally detecting the most relevant spectra to retrieve ...

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