Water compresses under a high gradient electric field

Modern civilization relies on water's incompressibility—it's something we take for granted. Hydraulic systems harness the virtual non-compressibility of fluids like water or oil to multiply mechanical force. Bulldozers, ...

Portable, rapid DNA test can detect Ebola and other pathogens

Using technical advances not yet developed when the 2014 Ebola outbreak began, UC San Francisco-led scientists completed a proof-of-principle study on a real-time blood test based on DNA sequencing that can be used to rapidly ...

NASA's DNA sequencing in space is a success, researchers confirm

Two hundred miles above Earth, NASA has conducted the first genome sequencing in space, and researchers at UC San Francisco helped analyze the data sent back from the International Space Station and confirm that the process ...

Graphene may hold key to speeding up DNA sequencing

September 9, 2010 - In a paper published as the cover story of the September 9, 2010 Nature, researchers from Harvard University and MIT have demonstrated that graphene, a surprisingly robust planar sheet of carbon just one-atom ...

Scientists sequence the genome of basmati rice

Using an innovative genome sequencing technology, researchers assembled the complete genetic blueprint of two basmati rice varieties, including one that is drought-tolerant and resistant to bacterial disease. The findings, ...

Harvard's graphene DNA sequencing licensed

Oxford Nanopore Technologies today announced an exclusive agreement with Harvard University's Office of Technology Development for the development of graphene for DNA sequencing. Graphene is a robust, single atom thick 'honeycomb' ...

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