Bioactive glass nanofibers produced

A team of researchers from the University of Vigo, Rutgers University in the United States and Imperial College London, in the United Kingdom, has developed "laser spinning", a novel method of producing glass nanofibres with ...

A folding ceramic

( —A sophisticated nanostructure renders a wafer-thin paper made of electrically conductive vanadium pentoxide fibres both tough and pliable.

Waste cooking oil makes bioplastics cheaper

"Bioplastics" that are naturally synthesized by microbes could be made commercially viable by using waste cooking oil as a starting material. This would reduce environmental contamination and also give high-quality plastics ...

When proteins shake hands

Protein fibres are found virtually everywhere in nature, including in spider silk, wood, the spaces between tissue cells, in tendons, or as a natural sealant for small wounds. These protein nanofibres have outstanding properties ...

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