Finding Skywalker gibbons with love songs: Study

Valentine's day is over but love's call lingers: the Skywalker gibbons' mating song, scientists reported this week, has revealed a previously unknown population—the largest in the world—of the endangered primate in the ...

Large group of rare crane species found in northern Myanmar

Ornithologists from Fauna & Flora International (FFI) were excited to find a large sarus crane population in the wetlands surrounding Indawgyi Lake in Kachin State, Myanmar, while undertaking a recent water bird census.

New species of custard apple family found in Myanmar

With over 100 species, Artabotrys is a large palaeotropical genus that belongs to the custard apple family (Annonacea), one of the most diverse and primitive families of the angiosperms. In Myanmar, the genus is represented ...

Thailand raises $1.4 bln in 3G mobile auction

Thailand raised 41.6 billion baht ($1.4 billion) Tuesday in a long-awaited auction of third-generation (3G) mobile telephone operating licences, regulators said.

Myanmar plans telecoms boom, opens to foreign bids

Myanmar on Tuesday announced plans for a dramatic increase in telephone and Internet access as it opened the door for foreign firms to enter one of Asia's last untapped markets.

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