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A 'door' into the mitochondrial membrane

Mitochondria—the organelles responsible for energy production in human cells—were once free-living organisms that found their way into early eukaryotic cells over a billion years ago. Since then, they have merged seamlessly ...

Which population structures maximize evolutionary fitness?

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute in Plön have shown that population structures that enhance the effect of selection do not necessarily also lead to higher fitness. Instead, it is crucial for maximizing fitness that ...

Study investigates longer life due to faulty RNA processing

The control of RNA metabolism is crucial to the regulation of animal longevity, researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Aging in Cologne have now discovered. They found that worms live longer when certain ...

Tracking a network of 100,000 mutants

What fundamentally sets a human being apart from every other living creature comes down to differences in DNA sequences—a set of genetically-inherited molecules found in every cell of every organism. These differences have ...

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