Businessmen unveil plans for 'Muslim Facebook'

A group of Muslim businessmen unveiled plans in Turkey on Thursday for a Facebook-style social networking site with "healthy values" for a young, Islamic audience.

Al Jazeera helps shape political identity of Arabs, study finds

Residents of the Middle East who are heavy viewers of Arab television news networks like Al Jazeera are more likely to view their primary identity as that of Muslims, rather than as citizens of their own country, a new study ...

At odds in Europe over differing visions of multiculturism

The government of Germany has announced that it will place more stringent demands on all immigrants in an effort to better integrate them into society. Since then, a growing debate about multiculturalism has brought to light ...

Modern Muslims use dreams to make major life decisions

The traditional practice of using night dreams to make major life decisions is in widespread use among modern Muslims, reveals a new study whose author is speaking at the British Science Festival on Thursday September 16*.

Think before you travel, researcher says

Muslim countries are caught between developing their tourism industries and making sure their culture is not eroded in the process, a leading researcher from The University of Queensland says.

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