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Scientists create a new way to categorize music

A team of scientists from McGill University, the University of Cambridge, and Stanford Graduate School of Business developed a new method of coding and categorizing music. They found that people's preference for these musical ...

The psychological effects of film music

Nanette Nielsen, a newly appointed researcher at the Department of Musicology, has just completed a research project in which she and her colleagues studied film soundtracks and their potential effect.

Music really is a universal language

Every culture enjoys music and song, and those songs serve many different purposes: accompanying a dance, soothing an infant, or expressing love. Now, after analyzing recordings from all around the world, researchers reporting ...

Quantum physics offers insight into music expressivity

Scientists at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) are bringing us closer to understanding the musical experience through a novel approach to analysing a common musical effect known as vibrato.

Musical melodies obey same laws as foraging animals

(—Most people think of music as more of an art than a science. Although sound is a wave, and can therefore be described by the laws of physics, understanding how certain patterns of sound waves create what we perceive ...

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