Digital music pioneer looks for new frontiers

As the buzz surrounding Google Inc.'s efforts to jump into the digital music market rose to a roar late August, one name kept surfacing about the person who might lead it -- Ian Rogers.

Appeals court ruling threatens used software sales

(AP) -- A federal appeals court has sided with the computer software industry in its effort to squelch sales of second-hand programs covered by widely used licensing agreements.

Learn to play by playing Songs2See

Recorder, guitar, piano or violin - many children and young people learn to play these popular instruments. It requires a lot of practice to read note after note from the sheet music and then strike the right key or pluck ...

Review: New Web music services offer tons of tunes

(AP) -- If you're itching to hear whatever you want, whenever you want, without breaking the bank on songs from Apple's iTunes store, your best bet is an online subscription music service.

US unveils strategy to fight piracy of intellectual property

The United States unveiled Tuesday a wide-ranging strategic plan on protection of intellectual property ranging from pharmaceuticals to Hollywood films, pledging to confront governments that fail to crack down on piracy.

Spotify launches application for Nokia phones

Swedish streaming software Spotify announced on Monday the launch of a music application for the Symbian platform, used by the world's biggest mobile phone maker Nokia and other smartphones.

Apple, labels work on album 'Cocktail'

(AP) -- Apple Inc. and the four major recording labels are working on launching a music offering code-named "Cocktail" that aims to add value to digital albums sold on the online iTunes Store.

Digital Entertainer brings PC content to big screen

So there you are with all those videos, photos and MP3 music files, and the only place you can play all that digital entertainment is on your computer. It's probably sequestered away somewhere in the room you've designated ...

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