Spaniard sued for music file-sharing networks

(AP) -- Recording companies went to court Tuesday claiming euro13 million ($17.5 million) from a Spaniard they accuse of profiting from computer programs he designed to allow free music downloads over the Internet.

Lawyer: Song swapper on trial doing `what kids do'

(AP) -- A Boston University graduate student was "a kid who did what kids do" when he swapped songs through file-sharing networks like Kazaa, his lawyer said Tuesday as his copyright-infringement trial began.

Digital song downloads slipped further in first half of year

Digital downloads of songs continued to fall out of favor with Americans in the first half of the year, while free and paid music-streaming revenue kept growing, even without much of a bump from the launch of Apple Music.

Minnesota woman loses music downloading appeal

(AP)—A woman accused of sharing songs online owes record companies $222,000 for willful copyright violations, a federal appeals court said Tuesday, reversing a lower court's ruling in a long-running lawsuit over music downloading.

Mass. student on trial admits sharing tunes online

(AP) -- A Boston University graduate student accused of illegally swapping music online nonchalantly admitted in court Thursday that he has downloaded and shared hundreds of songs by Nirvana, Green Day, The Smashing Pumpkins ...

EU: breakthrough on online music rights

(AP) -- The EU's top antitrust official on Wednesday described a deal among Apple Inc.'s iTunes, music companies, distributors and online licensing groups as a "great breakthrough" that would roll out more Internet music ...

RIM says BBM Music available

(AP) -- BlackBerry maker Research in Motion says its music-sharing application for its popular messaging service will be available for downloading in the U.S., Canada and Australia within a day.

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