Sony launches subscription music streaming service

(AP) -- Sony Corp. on Wednesday launched a music streaming service in a bid to boost sales of its consumer electronics and break Apple's dominance of the online music business.

Minimal damages sought in Mass. song-download case

(AP) -- A lawyer for a Boston University student who admitted illegally downloading and sharing music urged a federal jury Friday to "send a message" to the music industry by awarding only minimal damages.

Pirate Bay suitor GGF set for deal with record label

Global Gaming Factory (GGF), the Swedish online games firm set to acquire illegal download site The Pirate Bay, said on Wednesday it was close to signing a record deal with a major record company.

Digital music sales rise but piracy is sour note

(AP) -- Strong growth in digital music sales in 2009 led by Lady Gaga failed to stop the continuing slump in the international recorded music industry, and pirates remain a major problem, an industry body said Thursday.

Mass. student appeals ruling in song-sharing case

(AP) -- A Boston University graduate student is appealing a federal judgment that required him to pay $67,500 in damages for illegally downloading and sharing songs online.

WTO win could open China's door to US companies

(AP) -- The United States has won a wide-ranging ruling against Chinese trade practices that could provide massive market opportunities for American makers of everything from CDs and DVDs to music downloads and books.

EU agrees on new Internet user rights

(AP) -- EU lawmakers and governments agreed on new rights for Internet users Thursday, aiming to protect them from arbitrary crackdowns on those who illegally download music and movies on the Internet.

Nonprofit to help Megaupload users retrieve data

(AP) -- Users of the file-sharing website Megaupload who feared their data could be deleted as early as Thursday have a reprieve after a nonprofit group stepped in at the eleventh hour.

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