Data-driven music: Converting climate measurements into music

A geo-environmental scientist from Japan has composed a string quartet using sonified climate data. The 6-minute-long composition—titled "String Quartet No. 1 "Polar Energy Budget"—is based on over 30 years of satellite-collected ...

Researchers translate insect defense chemicals into eerie sounds

Sawfly larvae protect themselves by secreting cocktails of unpleasant, volatile chemicals intended to repel predators, particularly ants. Researchers can assess the effectiveness of these defenses by staging meetups, so-called ...

How we 'hear' the shape of a drum

How is it that we can recognise the shape of an object despite only seeing a limited range of wave lengths? Radboud mathematician Walter van Suijlekom explains in a new publication in the journal Communications in Mathematical ...

Astronomer creates music using star oscillations

(—Astronomer Burak Ulaş, with the Izmir Turk College Planetarium in Turkey has taken his work into a musical dimension, using star oscillations as a source for a musical composition. He has uploaded a paper describing ...

Turn your dreams into music

Computer scientists in Finland have developed a method that automatically composes music out of sleep measurements. The composition service works live on the Web at

Pandora sings happy tune: IPO fetches $16 a share

(AP) -- Pandora Media Inc. sold its initial public offering of stock at $16 per share late Tuesday, fetching twice as much as the popular but unprofitable Internet radio service expected less than two weeks ago.

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