To tackle child labor, start with consumers

Consumer education campaigns that raise awareness about the use of child labour in global supply chains can be an effective countermeasure against the practice, according to new research published in Manufacturing & Service ...

Understanding what determines the benefits of bribery

Researchers in Hong Kong and the UK have found that a $1 investment in bribery returns $6–9 in terms of company value, with more money paid to an authority resulting in greater benefits. However, those benefits decrease ...

States take on PFAS 'forever chemicals' with bans, lawsuits

"Forever chemicals" are everywhere. The thousands of chemicals in the group known as perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, are found in cookware, packaging, cosmetics, clothing, carpet, electronics, firefighting ...

Unilever to halve use of new plastic

Anglo-Dutch commercial giant Unilever said Monday it will cut its use of new plastic by half by 2025, admitting the move was partly to appeal to young, more environmentally-conscious customers

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