Friendly fungi announce themselves to their hosts

For many years after discovering a diverse population of sometimes dangerous microbes constantly living in our intestines, scientists described the situation as a form of living with the enemy. But when it comes to commensal ...

Mice can smell oxygen

The genome of mice harbours more than 1000 odorant receptor genes, which enable them to smell myriad odours in their surroundings. Researchers at the Max Planck Research Unit for Neurogenetics in Frankfurt, the University ...

Teamwork against mutant free riders

(—Pathogenic salmonellae rely on a division of labour: some of them see to the common wellbeing, while others are able to stand up to free rider salmonellae better. This teamwork bears certain similarities to that ...

Titanium dioxide: E171 first enters the blood via the mouth

E171, a food additive, has been used until recently as a whitening and opacifying agent in many products such as pastries, sweets, sauces and ice cream. It is composed of micro- and nanoparticles of titanium dioxide, or TiO2.

How do cells react to micro- and nanoplastics?

The smaller plastic particles are, the more easily they can be taken up by cells. In addition, the shape, surface and chemical properties play an important role in answering the question of how the particles could affect ...

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