'Nanosponge vaccine' fights MRSA toxins

Nanosponges that soak up a dangerous pore-forming toxin produced by MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) could serve as a safe and effective vaccine against this toxin. This "nanosponge vaccine" enabled the ...

Researchers discover novel mechanism for MRSA virulence

Researchers at Mount Sinai, in collaboration with researchers at New York University, have published a study in Cell Host & Microbe that sheds light on the mechanisms behind the severity, or virulence, of methicillin-resistant ...

The new compound that destroys the MRSA superbug

A compound that both inhibits the MRSA superbug and renders it more vulnerable to antibiotics has been discovered by scientists at the University of Bath led by Dr. Maisem Laabei and Dr. Ian Blagbrough.

Modified cancer drug effective against multi-resistant bacteria

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are increasingly the source of deadly infections. A team of scientists from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research (HZI) in Braunschweig have ...

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